Monday, December 21, 2009

The Trouble with Leafs

With the changing of seasons and cooling of the temperatures comes the Beautiful colors of Autumn and the changing of the color of the leafs. But then comes the falling of the leafs and the clogging of the drain covers.

After that, the water and the mud comes in to ruin the basement!

What's next? Extraction of the water, removal of the contaminated padding, application of an anti-microbial, setting up drying equipment and then the drying of the carpet, padding, and structure.

If your lucky, the whole process will take three, maybe four days, at most then it's time for repairing the walls, if they were damaged, and then installation of the carpeting before cleaning and deodorizing them before you reset the furniture!

All to often, uneducated carpet cleaners are call to take care of a flooded house or basement and their view of the job is drying the carpet and calling it quits.


Improper or Incomplete Drying leaves your home susceptible to unseen structural damage or microbial growth; one is bad for the house and the other for your health. The principles found in The I.I.C.R.C. Flood Standard, S500, is what I base all of my restorations on. Proper training, experience, the necessary tools & equipment, along with a network of professionals in complimentary fields allow me to handle most residential restorations and the knowledge and resources to contain the area and call in a specialist while continuing the drying process!

For any questions that you may have regarding the topinc of this Blog entry, please feel free to Email me at

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